
The Trustees are collectively responsible for the governance of the charity, for providing oversight and ensuring that the charity has strategic direction in order to achieve its objectives.

A trustee’s main duties under charity law are to:

• ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
• comply with the charity’s governing document and the law
• act in the charity’s best interests
• manage the charity’s resources responsibly
• act with reasonable care and skill
• ensure the charity is accountable

Our Current Trustees are:

Neil Greening – Chair (Appointed 16 August 2021)
Sarah Peacey – Co-founder (Appointed 16 August 2021)
Liz Critchlow – Secretary (Appointed 7 July 2023)
Ellie Whitbread (Appointed 9 March 2023)
Russell Findlay (Appointed 1 September 2023)
Tatiana Allan (Appointed 13 August 2024)