The key document outlining NHS treatment options is written by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)- see NICE guidance for the general public.

The first NHS treatment you should be offered is a psychological therapy called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT for short). This is the therapy with the largest evidence base. It should be a type of CBT that has been specifically designed to treat social anxiety disorder. See the SAAUK page on What is CBT alongside NHS CBT – Overview and NHS CBT – How it Works.

The NHS website social anxiety page states “CBT is generally considered the best treatment” but also references:
Other NHS treatment options, medication, self-help and the following NHS self-help guide for social anxiety.

NHS CBT is delivered by the NHS Talking Therapy service and accessed via your GP or self-referral. Your GP will be fully aware of the referral process.

We know many with social anxiety find talking to their GP about their mental health difficult – please see our page Talking to your GP.

Please note you can self-refer for NHS Social Anxiety CBT via the NHS Talking Therapy Search Page