Peer support group

Tom at has developed social anxiety peer support groups which promote and support Cognitive Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder (CT-SAD) as developed by OxCADAT.

Anyone wishing to become one of the facilitators for Tom’s groups should make contact with Tom at

Please also see the structured support groups at and SASH Group London.

Please also  see the extended “face-to-face” structured support group guidance at Running a Social Anxiety structured support group.

Meetup groups

Meetup is a large organisation and there are many social anxiety groups within it. Most of the groups are social events or outings rather than structured meetings. Some are just ways for social anxiety people to meet others as friends.

Even if you are running a socially based group, it is important to make it safe and appropriate for those with SA. We suggest first reviewing Example rules for running a social anxiety meetup group used by the longstanding London Shyness Social Group. Although this particular group is not aimed exclusively at those with social anxiety its groups rules are directly relevant.