The Social Anxiety Alliance (Registered Charity Number 1195520) was formally registered on Monday 16 Aug 2021 – we believe we are the first dedicated social anxiety charity in the UK and are just beginning our journey.
Our aim is to provide help and resources for individuals suffering from social anxiety and social phobia, alongside providing general educational information on this common yet often under-publicised mental health problem. Please note SAAUK is a recently established information and resource-based charity and is currently unable to offer specific therapeutic individual advice or support other than the information on the website. SAAUK does not currently have a helpline. If you have experience with writing mental health-related content, are a social anxiety clinician/therapist that wants to help, or have charity organisational experience (including fundraising and grant applications) – then please email: Many thanks, on behalf of Social Anxiety Alliance UK. |
Social Anxiety Alliance UK
Providing information and resources for those with Social Anxiety and Social Phobia