Current Online Survey – Social anxiety research

Hi Everyone,
My name is Emily. I am seeking volunteers over the age of 18 who identify as having a level of social anxiety (this can be mild, moderate or high) to take part in my MSc Psychology Dissertation research study with BPP University, under the supervision of Dr Adela Apetroaia. The study is confidential and has approval from the BPP University Ethics Committee.

Social anxiety has approximately 12% lifetime prevalence, is associated with other mental health conditions, yet is one of the least researched forms of anxiety. Research to enhance the understanding of social anxiety is highly important.

Please note a 1 minute audio or zoom video interview would really help me. If you are comfortable taking part in a one minute interview this would be very valuable to Emily.

Please use this link to sign up to a very short interview slot:‘.

The survey form is here:
Link to confidential research survey (May 2024 & June 2024 – open now)

Flyer PDF (click the image below):